Ironbark Falls Popran

Ironbark Falls (0.6km Return)

This is a great little walk to do - the falls were pumping because of heavy rain when I went so there was a lot of water. Spotted a small water dragon and two dinner plate size yabbies as well. The map at the top shows the walk to be a loop, found part of the trail of the other side of the fall, it petered out though. 

Had a look at doing it counterclockwise, the water running underneath the causeway at the top was a little too deep, may go back and explore when there has been less rain. Although it is a short walk it is poorly maintained so I recommend only experienced hikers attempt it. I wouldn't swim here because there would be a lot of runoff from the farms upstream.

Elevation change: Up 40m, Down 40m

Map of Ironbark Falls in info hut

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